Over the Edge with United Way

Over the EdgeOne of the greatest things about J.C. Hart is its passion and support to significant causes and how us, Associates, are always looking for those opportunities to volunteer. During the month of July, me and two of my bravest teammates signed up to go Over the Edge for United Way of Central Indiana, willing to rappel down the 23-story Keystone Group’s building, that’s 300 feet tall.

As part of this initiative, we started a fundraiser for Central Indiana Basic Needs found, this cause helps stabilize people in crisis ensuring their access to healthy food, safe housing, quality healthcare, and reliable transportation. As a team, we went beyond our goal. On August 12th, we finally rappelled for a reason at 220 N. Meridian in Downtown Indianapolis.

The view from the very top of the building was breathtaking, and personally, the vibe in the place was amazing. Being there with my teammates made it even better. More than nervous, we were mostly laughing and enjoying every second of it from the training until going Over the Edge and touching ground 300 feet later.

Seventy-four daredevil philanthropists, including us, participated and raised over $150,000. I’m beyond thankful for all donors who made this possible and it makes my ‘Hart’ happy knowing that our efforts were met and that they are truly significant and will make a difference for those in need in our community. Already looking forward to the next Over the Edge Event!