On February 7th, J.C. Hart recognized our 2023 Q3 & Q4 Shining Stars, our Milestone Anniversaries, and our Annual Shining Star recipients!
On February 7th, J.C. Hart had such a fantastic time at Black Iris Estate recognizing our 2023 Q3 & Q4 Shining Stars, our Milestone Anniversaries, and our Annual Shining Star recipients.
The atmosphere was lively as the evening started by celebrating our Quarterly Award Winners. We welcomed nine Associates into the 5-year club, four Associates into the 10-year club, and one into the 15-year club. We even had the pleasure of honoring two of our long-term Associates, Mark Juleen and Randy Beach, with the 20-year Rowland I. Whiteley Distinguished Service Award.As we broke for our social hour intermission, Associates were invited to recommit to our Core Values through the act of signing a jumbo poster of J.C. Hart’s Core Values. Associates enjoyed each other’s company over drinks and appetizers. We even had an impromptu performance by several Associates playing the piano and singing.
The evening concluded with the presentation of our Annual Shining Star and Core Value winners, and our Award of Excellence for 2023. This year’s Award of Excellence went to our Community Manager Sherry Heck from One One Six and Midtown Flats. Sherry has pioneered our new Multi-site Leasing model, and has done an outstanding job creating a healthy, cohesive team that supports two successful communities.We always love the opportunity to come together as a company and celebrate the successes we've had over the past year. Many congratulations to all our 2023 award winners!