J.C. Hart Founder's Day

Founder's DayThe founder of J.C. Hart Company, John C. Hart, Sr., had a penchant for ice cream, specifically Dairy Queen Dilly Bars. Whenever out driving through the state of Indiana or the City of Indianapolis with his long-time business side kicks, Bill Carson or Bob Binder, if there was a DQ on the way, Big John’s car seemed to automatically turn in to the drive through and they grabbed a Dilly Bar for the road. The chocolate stains on his shirt were always a tell-tale sign to his wife, no matter how much he tried to deny having given in to the frozen treats once again!

Many years ago, it was suggested by some long time Associates, who had known Big John and this habit of his, to honor his legacy by bringing in Dilly Bars to the corporate office on his birthday. In 2020, this tradition was broadened to be a company-wide acknowledgement of “Founders Day” by delivering Dilly Bars to every Associate at each of our community locations in the company on or near Big John’s birthday in April. It is a fun way to remember our founder, and to brighten the day of all of our Associates with these sweet treats! Happy Birthday, Big John! Cheers to you, and your love of a good Dilly Bar!