2022 Recruitment
It comes as no surprise that 2022 was another busy year for J.C. Hart. Over the course of the year, we hired 48 new Associates; 17 of which came from Associate referrals, 5 were returning J.C. Hart Associates, and 5 were from our connections with high school, college, and technical programs that we are partnered with.
One of the metrics we have been continuously working to improve over the last five years is the average number of days that a position sits vacant before someone is hired for that position. We are excited to say that we ended 2022 with an average of 39 days vacant, which is an improvement from 48.5 days in 2021. We appreciate our Onsite and Regional Teams who make interviewing a priority and help keep our process moving forward.
We are thankful for our Associates who are always keeping an eye out for potential talent to join J.C. Hart. Our most successful hires come from Associate referrals! If you know someone who you think may be a good fit, don't forget to ABR (Always Be Recruiting)! We look forward to all the new Associates we'll add to our Team in 2023.